My Upcoming Book “That’s Me”

What I thought would be a simple project, turned into my new baby that became a long adventure. And honestly, as things get checked off of the to do list, I still feel as though I am embarking the beginning of this journey.

Thats me Banner

This new baby is my children’s book That’s Me. The illustrator, Sian Paulin, and I have spent several months perfecting this book, along with the support of a few others. It brings so much excitement to see how the words I wrote have unfolded into pictures and now an actual book.

Doll Girl Sketch
One of the sketches that has transformed.

While I have written many other works of literature, this one was important to me that I publish first. The inspiration that ties into the underlining purpose of writing this book is so dear to me. I will gladly share those details later. But of course, it apparently has to do with girls.

That’s Me while I hope it reaches the hearts of young girls, I also hope that it will touch the little girl that is inside of us women, too. And for those that have had the opportunity to read and give feedback on the book, they agree that it inspires them as an adult.

At this point, the world it literally a few weeks away from reading That’s Me, a lyrical book that inspires girls and women around the world to be true to who they are and follow their hearts’ desires.

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You may visit my author page to gather more details on the book and events. Can’t wait to share the excitement with all of you, Jewels!

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