Wear You: Thought of the Day

For about a year or more, full figured women have been taking over the fashion industry. There are more plus size clothing stores now than ever. These stores are nothing like the old school plus size stores that just sell big plain tops, that fall off your shoulders, and dresses that don’t fit right in any place. These stores carry trendy clothes that any diva would want in her closet.


Consequently, there is a lot of negativity that comes with plus size girls wearing trendy clothing. People suggesting that plus size ladies should not be promoting positivity in their size because it’s not healthy, and the list goes on. Well, the thought for today is it doesn’t matter what size you are, as long as you’re wearing YOU(which means it doesn’t matter if you’re big, skinny, stout, short, tall, linky, apple, pear, square shaped).

No one is to judge how someone dresses. We shouldn’t judge anyone, period. Every shape is different. Which means every shape has it’s own special needs to look the most flattering. I believe everyone can be fabulous. You just have to dress accordingly for your size.

For instance, I personally find bodycon dresses most appealing on some pear shape and hour-glass plus size ladies rather than a size 2. That’s just my opinion. I find it adorable to see petite ladies wearing short flared out dresses. I think it’s so cute, especially with super flashy shoes.

At the end of the day, you have to be comfortable in your own skin. Confidence is the biggest thing. Women that wear confidence look thee MOST appealing. Never be afraid to try new things no matter what size you are.

Be you, be confident, bring out your inner sexy Jewels! 😉

3 thoughts on “Wear You: Thought of the Day

    1. Thank you! So many women are not able to be themselves because they care too much about what others may say. It’s not their body or happiness, so women need to be themselves and confident in themselves. I’m glad to have heard from you. 🙂 I checked out your blog and you have some helpful daily life post! Please visit again!! 😉

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