Time to Buy School Supplies

The School Supplies Poem

Gleefully strolling through the door,

For what’s ahead I adore.

Before me a list I must achieve

Full of items that will help ME succeed.

The bright hue of yellow on the crayola boxes catch me eyes

I want them all, to my pocket book’s despise.

The smell of fresh gently lined notebooks hit my nose,

And the sight of pastel colored sticky notes, oh I want those.

Don’t forget sharpies, those beautiful markers that glide gracefully across the page;

And I do not mean red, yellow, blue, and green that you see,

I’m talking about the sharpies that are 80s themed.

I’ll take three packs of these!

See back to school is awesome for me.

And because I am a teacher,

I buy these incredible tools blissfully!

school supplies

Hope y’all enjoyed this humorous back to school poem I threw together. Yes, it’s that time of year that parents adore. BACK TO SCHOOL! No doubt, some of us teachers love the school supply shopping too! I don’t know why, but I go crazy in the store when it is time for back to school shopping. Even as a child I loved to go shopping with my mom for my school supplies, and upon returning home I would label everything with my name and place all my crayons, markers, and colored pencils in rainbow order. That’s crazy, right? But I guess that was an indicator then that I would be just as OCD now about keeping all of my school related supplies organized and different things around my home as well.

So I am going into my fifth year as a teacher. My first year, I bought a lot of school supplies for my students. Things like markers, scissors, glue, crayons, more like craft supplies. My second year, I did not buy as much, probably just loose leaf paper and pencils. My third year, I returned to school in November after having my baby, so I did not buy anything. Last year, I spent no money on supplies. I had gained many from the previous school years. What I did spend a lot of money on last year was classroom decorations and furniture- I believe in having a cozy and well decorated room. Now, this year after completing one year in elementary, I see a need for having additional supplies on hand. And I do not mean just your craft supplies, teachers should keep tons of notebooks, loose leaf paper, folders, binders, and pencils on hand, especially when teaching younger children. They lose everything! Even though it stays in the classroom, notebooks and folders in my classroom would always end up missing. Then, there is the issue of new students coming and leaving your class. So it is just the best idea to have extras.

Therefore, this year I plan to purchase a bit of those items. Today, I decided to cruise the aisles of Walmart for school supplies. While I was not convinced they tried their best to provide the lowest prices (bring back notebooks for 10 cents), I did manage to buy a lot things for under sixty dollars. I will be going back for more. I looked into Office Depot and Target, their prices are much higher. And as much as I love Target, especially the dollar section for items to utilize in the classroom, I highly recommend Walmart. This time around they really do have the lowest prices! You cannot beat 25 cents for notebooks, 87 cents for binders, 82 cents for wide rule paper, 97 cents for crayola 12 pack colored pencils. Seriously, best deals you’ll find!


And if there is anything left by tax free weekend, which will be Friday, August 10th through Sunday, August 12th in Texas, perhaps waiting until then to purchase school supplies will be a good idea to save even more.

Please share your thrill for back to school shopping, or even why you dread it, haha. I love the concept of opening new packages of supplies and placing them in cute containers or for the kids, pencil pouches and pencil cases.

Cheers to new school supplies, Jewels!